
Here you can stay connected with our life and work with Wycliffe Bible Translators, through whom we have served the church worldwide since 2001. We have the privilege to help develop alphabets for unwritten languages.

We could not do this without the partnership of many. Whether it is a timely prayer over us at 2am, a note or package to show you’re still behind us, or whatever financial help God has called you to send for the support of our Wycliffe ministry, we are humbled by the sacrificial support of you, our partners. You are a continuous reminder of God’s power and faithfulness. God will complete His work, but we are privileged to join Him in it. And you, too, are in the trenches with us, serving to the glory of God.

What We do

We work with Wycliffe Bible Translators to see that each people group can flourish through access to the scriptures in their own language. Specifically, we help people analyze and write three categories of sound in their language:


Your airways close or constrict in lots of interesting ways, and not the same in each language.


Air passing freely through your throat and mouth (and maybe your nose!) can produce different sounds, which are again not used the same in each language


Contrastive pitch (from your vocal chords) can distinguish one word from another, or one use of a word from another use of the same word. Each language that does this will have its own system.


Check out some recent entries

Arrival in Cameroon

We’ve had some requests for pictures, so if this publishes, I was able to get some out this way. We don’t have bandwidth to send out pictures individually, but hopefully this will be enough.

A Time for Change

Ecclesiastes tells us “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (3:1 ESV). We celebrated 23 years in Wycliffe Bible Translators this year, and we are feeling it’s time to Read more…

"Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!" —a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages
Goma Daniel Green

Goma Daniel Green

ICT Officer (BiLTA, Lusaka Zambia)

From the dedication you have shown working with the Senga team for Senga language development, it's clear indication your services are far reaching.