All dressed up and no place to go
If you had the audio, it would sound like, “READY DOE!!!!” I had a hilarious picture of James at about 3 years old in the samestance (with a bit less-matching clothes, if you can believe it),but alas, I think it is in the one year of archived pictures we lostsomewhere Read more…
Hoppy the friendly frog
We have a school mascot that the boys named Hoppy. He has a photo album on our facebook page, but since some of you can’t access that I will post at least one picture here. Hoppy is really enjoying life in the tropics. Here you see him learning to climb Read more…
Or not
So much for ‘promising’ animal pictures. I am turning out to be wireless-network incapable in terms of getting those. They will come eventually. Sorry about that. I will say to update on the ant situation that our house was ‘diagnosed’ with 3 kinds of ants in residence: sugar ants, safari Read more…
Warthogs, eh-phants & giraffe – oh my!
Two of the most affordable ways to get in on the safari tourism around here are the AFEW Giraffe Centre and The Sheldrick Foundation’s Animal Orphanage. You can click on them to read more about their causes, which are fascinating to me. As you may have heard, our kids remembered Read more…
Driving me crazy
There is no way for me to convey the full experience of driving in a city such as this on a blog. I will do what I can. We have often compared the system of roads and rules between here and there as a dance. In the US we drive Read more…