James and Charles

This is a precious picture to me. Not because of what it looks like,but because of what it meant for James. Our last Sunday with ourclose friends in Kenya was a 'high tea' send-off to remember! Atthe end of it all, as we were getting in the car to leave, Read more…

Monkey on my back

As you can tell, I'm catching up on posting pics from the last 2weeks. I didn't take a lot of pictures in Uganda because we wereeither sick or out and about shopping or swimming most of the time.But many of you asked about how it was living with a monkey. Read more…

Best buddies

We wrote earlier that in Kenya, James and Joel were playing everydaywith their buddy Gabe. So we threw them a little 'goodbye' playdateat a local playground/restaurant. Gabe – we miss you!

Water park day in Kenya

Anna is so independent. She wanted to 'do it self!' all day longeven when her lips turned blue (they don't heat pools on the equator=)). Both boys had a fun time driving 4 wheelers with Dad. Yeah forcheap local vacation days and gorgeous weather!