Food for Thought
“God's glory is so great that it is impossible for only one humanculture to adequately display it.” – T. AVERY
“God's glory is so great that it is impossible for only one humanculture to adequately display it.” – T. AVERY
I bought Anna future sizes, and she's outgrown the 2T, but it stillfits Brooke, so they looked like twins! Don't ask why the kiddiepool is white. It still smells like chlorine… =)
It’s that time of year when classes hold their parties and field trips. After 30 weeks of grueling educational hoops, we will put down our pencils for a while and take a break. Well, our family has only just begun the educational journey. This week marked our last week of Read more…
Our marriage by grace: 10 years 3 babies 5 musical instruments 3 jobs 4 countries lived in 5 other countries visited 1 new language mastered 3 other languages attempted 2 books (1 written, 1 translated) 3 new alphabets 15 moves hundreds of pinochle games many dances, laughs, fights, jokes, stories Read more…
Joel is flashing you his brand new shoes. Stride Rite 1.5 XW to be exact. Yes, my Joel who is still technically 4 years old for a few more weeks is now wearing a men’s 1.5 extra wide shoe! Ah! Being the planner I am, I have to work hard Read more…
Anna has finally discovered twirling! We unpacked her new swimsuitand she had to have it on immediately. You may also see 'bear' and'bwanket' that Anna has carried almost everywhere for 3 weeksstraight. Then go twirl!
Well, I shouldn’t be shocked that 2 boys of 2 linguists living in a land of at least 2 foreign languages available to them at home on any given day would play with words. Last week James was reading one of my childhood favorites “There’s a Monster Eating my House” Read more…
I love kids and the way they think.Kent had a movie date with the boys a couple days before his trip. He decided they were old enough to watch Apollo 13 together. Of course the boys loved it! Somewhere in Joel’s 4-year-old head a ball started rolling. He was thinking Read more…
This is the view as you walk in the front gate. The rock work in the foundation is traditional for this area. I’ve seen it painted blue, black, red, green, etc. with white. The tree trunk you see is an avocado tree, and not far from it along the front Read more…