The Shouldas

Shoulda Woulda Coulda It’s easy for me to feel bound by what other people think. It just hit me this morning that over my lifetime, many people in authority over me have had plans. They feel it necessary to tell me of these plans. You should. You could. Hey, you Read more…


I feel like I have had precious little to put into our yard, but God has been gracious.  In the back there is a stand of banana trees that, in addition to producing far too many bananas (once they do), produce the most wonderful flowers.  Anyway, here is a taste.  Read more…

Adios amigos!

Sorry this past month has been so crazy, and words so few.We are packing up and weighing bags.Our overnight international flights leave in 3 short days.The ‘stuff of our life’ carefully divided into 50-lb. increments. God has used this past few months for his glory. He has loved and showered Read more…