Pre-Congo Pepper

I’ve been trying to grow a proper plant this summer, with minimal results. I have ten peppers, but only one ripening, and only this much. Anyway, I figured should eat it now, since it will be overdone when I back. The first fruit of this mission, as it were…


After a couple days of struggle, and finally giving up, Kim made one more call. God parted the clouds, and let the rainbows through.  The tickets we got today are a bit more expensive than the ones we originally had, but they’re actually better, in terms of the connections in Read more…


At long last (after 70 days, 10 weeks, or 51 work days, as you like) we have our passports back!  And they contain valid visas! So now that we have official permission to enter Congo, we need to rebook tickets to Uganda, as well as organize logistics to get into Read more…