
For our second weekend in the rainforest, it seemed right to visit Simon’s father’s church, which was just 25 km north of Nya-nya — in fact, while it has another name, it is typically referred to as “25km”. Simon’s father traveled down to work with us a lot in 2014, Read more…

Missionary Linguist

It hasn’t always been easy describing what I do to a broad audience, but for some time now on immigration forms requiring a short answer, I indicate my profession as “Missionary Linguist”. I heard a chapel talk at the first SIL summer training I went to, in Eugene, OR, on Read more…

Newsletter in Progress

Hi all — Kim and I finally got away this weekend to get some  rest and find ourselves again. As the dust has settled after this summer’s anxiety, it is clear that we’ve let our communication slip.  So I’m writing a note to let you know we’re writing, and soon Read more…