Epiphany 2017

the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. (Ps 146:8 ESV) I took two days off altogether from writing, for Sunday worship and rest, then Christmas day, and yesterday I got back to putting edits into Read more…

Merry Christmas!

Just after watching a close victory of the Seahawks, we heard news and ran outside to see that it was snowing! This of course called for a celebration dance: And some selfies with the house and lights: Merry Christmas to all in Seattle and elsewhere! (And sorry to the cowboys Read more…

Home Stretch

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written much about my progress through my degree program, but I hope it has been for good reason. I guess we all hope that we do what we do for good reason, but in any case, I hope a short update will Read more…