Two Ways to Find Happiness (pp29-33)
- What do you think about the two ways of life (moral conformity and self discovery, pp29-33)?
- Do they describe our society?
- Our politics?
- Do you agree that each side says “if you are not with us, you are against us” (p32)?
- Have you ever said this?
Two Lost Sons (pp33-37)
- How does Jesus reverse the audience’s expectations of each brother’s outcome (pp33-34)?
- How did the goodness/morality of the elder son work against him (p35)?
- Do you agree that “the hearts of the two brothers were the same” (p36)?
- That “careful obedience to God’s law may serve as a strategy for rebelling against God” (p37)?
- Can you see any of the “other” brother’s motivations in yourself?
A Deeper Understanding of Sin (pp37-44)
- What do you think of the idea of “avoid[ing] Jesus as Savior by keeping all the moral laws” (p37)?
- What is wrong with Salieri’s prayer (p39-42)?
- Do you agree that “there are two ways to be your own savior and Lord” (p44)?
- Have you ever made a moral bargain with God?
Both Wrong; Both Loved (p44-47)
- How can each brother be both wrong and loved (pp44-45)?
- How does the gospel contradict each (pp45-46)?
- Do you agree that each is not equally dangerous (pp46-47)?
- How much danger are you in?