Our Longing for Home (pp90-98)

  1. Do you agree that “Home … is a powerful but elusive concept” (p91)?
  2. When have you felt a longing for belonging that evaded you?

The Difficulty of Return (pp98-102)

  1. How does “the brokenness within human beings” keep us from finding home (p99)?
  2. “The brokenness around human beings” (p99)?
  3. How did Jesus’ life and ministry not live up to Jewish expectations (p100-102)?
  4. Have you ever been disappointed by mistaking the scope or direction of God’s blessings?

The Feast at the End of History (pp102-104)

  1. How do the promises in Isaiah and The Revelation to John answer the problem created in Genesis (p102-104)?
  2. Do you look forward to physical pleasure in heaven, as a part of “ordinary human life” (p104)?


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