Our Longing for Home (pp90-98)
- Do you agree that “Home … is a powerful but elusive concept” (p91)?
- When have you felt a longing for belonging that evaded you?
The Difficulty of Return (pp98-102)
- How does “the brokenness within human beings” keep us from finding home (p99)?
- “The brokenness around human beings” (p99)?
- How did Jesus’ life and ministry not live up to Jewish expectations (p100-102)?
- Have you ever been disappointed by mistaking the scope or direction of God’s blessings?
The Feast at the End of History (pp102-104)
- How do the promises in Isaiah and The Revelation to John answer the problem created in Genesis (p102-104)?
- Do you look forward to physical pleasure in heaven, as a part of “ordinary human life” (p104)?