I left Chiang Mai, Thailand at 25 minutes after midnight this morning, February 12.

That first leg took 4 hours and 45 minutes, but I traveled two times zones towards the sunrise, so I arrived at 7:10am local time in Seoul, Korea.

My ongoing flight wasn’t scheduled until 6:15pm, so I filled those eleven hours by exploring the airport (including a shower much worth the $6 it cost), taking a five hour tour of the DMZ (almost seeing some of North Korea; it was snowy and cloudy), then hanging out more, including learning the basics of the Korean alphabet at a Korean cultural center (in the airport).

My flight to Seattle was 9 hours 40 minutes, traveling another seven time zones towards the sunrise, arriving at 10:55am local time. But because we crossed the international date line in this leg, it was February 12 again when we landed.

A tiny bit aside, I didn’t know if we crossed the international dateline before or after midnight. It looks like it’s about half-way between Seoul and Seattle, so it could have gone either way. If it was after midnight, it was February 13 for me for maybe up to an hour, before losing the day and returning to February 12.

My layover in Seattle was a comfortable five hours, with picking up my bag, getting through customs and immigration, rechecking my bag, TSA, finding my gate (which had, of course, changed since my boarding pass was printed in Chiang Mai), food and a couple other purchases, then hanging out a couple hours waiting for the flight.

My flight from Seattle to DFW left at 3:58pm and was 3 hours 50 minutes, arriving at 9:48pm (after losing a couple more hours to time zones), still in February 12.

So I flew 18 hours spread out over ~35 hours, all of which —maybe— occurred on February 12.

I never set out to see cool animals and time travel; these things just happen on the course of missionary work.🤪


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