Transition, again/still

We’re behind on getting news out, but we’re starting a furlough/home assignment year. Part of the news issue is that we’re much in need of rest. So if you haven’t heard from us, please don’t take it personally; most haven’t. So we’re trying to get some rest, but can’t seem Read more…

Merry Christmas!

Our choir, Sunday morning after Christmas. This group has been a blessing to us in the ups and downs of the last couple years. Totally coincidence that our robes match the children’s Christmas program poster (which Kim made…😅) Smiles are courtesy of Anna, whose drama made us laugh. 🙃 Merry Read more…


I’ve talked through with many of you the project that is framing almost all of my work now, but the other day we realized I hadn’t fully introduced it here. It is a public and openly licensed project, at, where there is a ton of documentation, and all you Read more…