Good News from the DRC

Rather than waiting for some other reason to use this title, I’ll go with the end of the most recent Ebola outbreak in DR Congo: [contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

“Urgent Appeal” by African Leaders for DRC Peace

When looking up the latest on DRC elections forcast, I found the following post from yesterday on the Kofi Annan foundation’s website: [contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”] This is in the context where questions of the possibility of an election are being Read more…

Theoretical Musings

Throughout most of my career as a linguist, I have enjoyed doing descriptive work. Practically, that means I describe what is found in languages, rather than prescribing what should be in a given language (as a teacher might). But descriptive Read more…

Numbers Lie

I was thinking this morning about the proverb “numbers don’t lie”, and how taken for granted it is, when I realized that there are at least two problems with it. First, it reflects our own individualism and efficiency driven culture, Read more…