Snapshot 6: Honor

In case you missed it, the Snapshot series began here. Over tear-streaked cheeks, wails of sorrow ring out.Our family attends the funeral of an employee.The crowds mourn a beloved provider.Father.Grandfather.Husband.Son.In his late sixties, Obedi had the national life expectancy rate Read more…

Snapshot 5: Storm

I wake to the rolling and rumbling in the distance.1:45AM.Wondering if (hoping?) it was just something on the roof.But no, the rumbles grow.A thunderstorm approaches.The counting begins.Sheer force of the King of Nature.Silhouettes of the barred window panes flash bright Read more…

Snapshot 4: Fame

News spreads like wildfire here even without social media. There are only a handful of foreign families in residence.Wherever we go, people stare.White people! Mzungu! Look! It’s his wife! And children!They check out our shoes.They critique our clothes.The children touch Read more…

smiles and milestones

Everyone together after church Now you’ve had all the best ones from Sunday. I’ll need to dig out some other good ones! In other news, today Anna officially finishes preschool, Joel finishes Second Grade, and James finishes Third Grade. Part Read more…