A Congo Birthday

Aside from music and the strength of relationships, one of my favorite things about life in Congo is the incredible fabrics! Local fabrics are brought from all over West Africa (I’ve heard it said that Dakar is the ‘Paris’ of Read more…

Oh Happy Dog!

Okay Carrie, I know I am about 6 weeks late on keeping my promise of dog pictures, but better late than never, right? We are proud dogsitters of two puppies. I should know their breeds but don’t. I’m not that Read more…

Anna + art

There’s nothing spectacular about stick figures. When I took Elementary Art Education class they taught us the developmental stages of ‘art’ beginning with stick figures. The first ‘stage’ had large heads with limbs coming directly out. Both boys drew those Read more…

Math-U-See, Math-U-Do

Our bouncy, baby Joel grew up and as his Kindergarten teacher/Mother I’ve recently discovered that Joel seems to be kinesthetic learner. I vaguely remember jokingly calling him ‘my satelite’ because while I stand around talking to people, he literally walked Read more…

My Genius

I guess I knew Kent was a genius the first time I saw him. We were sitting in Dr. Carlson’s Morphology & Syntax class, both taking it for ‘graduate credit’. He raised his hand to ask a question from the Read more…