
Is there something wrong with your parenting when your 2-yr-old looks across the dinner table and says, “Have another tortilla? Or should I hold my horses?”

Twirl round and round

Anna has finally discovered twirling! We unpacked her new swimsuitand she had to have it on immediately. You may also see 'bear' and'bwanket' that Anna has carried almost everywhere for 3 weeksstraight. Then go twirl!

T Language

Well, I shouldn’t be shocked that 2 boys of 2 linguists living in a land of at least 2 foreign languages available to them at home on any given day would play with words. Last week James was reading one Read more…

Outer Space

I love kids and the way they think.Kent had a movie date with the boys a couple days before his trip. He decided they were old enough to watch Apollo 13 together. Of course the boys loved it! Somewhere in Read more…


This is the view as you walk in the front gate. The rock work in the foundation is traditional for this area. I’ve seen it painted blue, black, red, green, etc. with white. The tree trunk you see is an Read more…


This is the boys' new instant bff who left today for an extendedfurlough. Naturally, they are grieving, but, as with all the otherpartings these last months, we know we will see each other againsomeday. Andrew is their hero as someone Read more…


Just to let you know, we have moved into our new home and aregetting settled. The kitchen sink got working last night and lightsare all working. Hot water heater got hooked up and we are startingto unpack. We hope to Read more…