Just wanted to post for you all that we arrive safe and sound aftera fun flight. The boys each got a turn to “fly” on the pilot's lap.Kent got to check out the handy barf bags. Kim had horrible sinuspain. Read more…
Just wanted to post for you all that we arrive safe and sound aftera fun flight. The boys each got a turn to “fly” on the pilot's lap.Kent got to check out the handy barf bags. Kim had horrible sinuspain. Read more…
Last time you tuned in to your favorite family of five they were traversing the equator to reunite with the Northern Hemisphere. Tomorrow we will cross international boundaries once again and settle one time zone closer to home! Though I Read more…
Anna has really been communicating lots and has developed some of her own language-use. She’s become a fan of reduplication, which is common linguistically in African languages, but I don’t think that’s where she started. When she’s really excited to Read more…
Thank you to all who have been praying. We are on to the next country! Kent had a long, arduous 12-hr bus trip while we flew one hour (leaving the house at 4:30am!!) and reunited in Uganda with all our Read more…
Yesterday at church we sang a familiar chorus for here:The Lion of Judah Has broken every chainHas given me power/victoryHallelujahDay by day/week by week As we prepare to move ‘in country’, there is a spiritual battle. The days before we Read more…
If you had the audio, it would sound like, “READY DOE!!!!” I had a hilarious picture of James at about 3 years old in the samestance (with a bit less-matching clothes, if you can believe it),but alas, I think it Read more…
We have a school mascot that the boys named Hoppy. He has a photo album on our facebook page, but since some of you can’t access that I will post at least one picture here. Hoppy is really enjoying life Read more…