Viva la Congo

We just found a fun video from where we work, and want to share it with you. It was created by a brother coming to visit one of our colleagues (his sister) a few months ago. Enjoy! [youtube]


One of the most fun things about younger siblings is how they refer to their older brother/sister. I’m told my brother gave up entirely on trying to say ‘Kimberly’ and renamed me ‘Eh’ (or ‘A’) for a while. =) It Read more…


I realize now that I haven’t blogged at all about the exciting turns life is taking for James lately. He has been in therapy for about a month (after about 2 years of treatment by physicians for encopresis). He loves Read more…


“Cheerios and blueberries in yogurt – yum! I can eat by myself with a spoon! Ooh look! There’s more in the bib!” “Forget the spoon!”

Speaking of feet…

…last week we went camping with our church family near Bend only to discover that the mosquitoes in this particular Federal Campground are much worse than anything I’ve experienced on the equator in Africa. I wore socks to dinner one Read more…