Overheard at our table…

James on homemade ketchup: “Wow Mom! This ketchup tastes great! It tastes so tomato-ey…  I bet this is the ORIGINAL recipe!” Tomatoes in ketchup? Happy thought indeed! (to borrow an Elizabeth Bennett phrase) The next day from a guest… “These peanut butter bars taste real, like they will put meat Read more…

Keeping up with the Jameses

Most parents who homeschool seem to want one of two things: To give their child all the good parts of a ‘normal’ education (without wasting their time on the stupid parts), or to unschool them and let them follow their own interests and motivations to in-depth studies of just about Read more…


I am trying to do 10 minutes of deep pressure/holding with James each evening. I don’t always feel like following through, but he reminds me. And it’s good for both of us. It’s been two weeks and this pseudo-poem as been swimming in my head lately: He eagerly scrambles into Read more…

Muck & Mire

The fun ‘feet’ blog picture we’ve been using as a header has bothered me for a few reasons. Don’t get me wrong – it’s cute and fun, but it was taken during a lovely vacation at the beach in Kenya. And while, I like to look at it and remember Read more…


It’s been a couple months since I shared our diet and progress here. People often ask, “What do you eat?” “How long will you stay on this diet?” “How is James doing now?” I’ve updated ‘Our Diet’ page with details about what is going on – now that our family Read more…

Remembering 2011

I didn’t take this time of holding the ebenezer, remembering the year as He laid it before us, last year – we were savoring a visit with family in the US… Sad that the last backward glance at a year of living and loving was here in 2010. Two years Read more…

Busy Boy Goes to School

Several of you have busy little boys like our Joel. He preferred motion to stillness from the womb! Once he learned to walk, he never stopped. So when it came to schooling, I knew we would struggle with a conventional 6-hour-desk day of learning ( you may recall…).Here’s an update Read more…

Birthday Week

This week James had a great 9th birthday and I had a wonderful time turning 25 again. =) (For some reason, Anna kept calling me 25. She just knows that when my ‘number’ changes, hers is soon to follow and she can’t wait to be 5!) So here’s the birthday Read more…