
Our kids have close friends in Congo. They are used to playing with them every spare minute in a mixture of basic English and Swahili. Over time customs seep in unnoticed. In a good way. When we arrived here one of James’ first comments was, “I hope I find a Read more…


You know how it goes… take time… stop and smell the roses… drink in the sweet moments… treasure up all these things in your heart… Savor. The French use a different word: profiter, from the same root that we pull the word ‘profit’. Make the most of every opportunity. Well, Read more…

The Big Eight

Sorry not to post much more about the fun party and celebration we had today for James. I can’t believe he’s 8! Sounds so old to me. In just 10 hours we are attempting to traverse this portion of the globe which will involve not one, not two, but three Read more…

The Races

One lazy Sunday, I heard lots of laughing on the back porch.I went to investigate (as any mother would because sometimes laughing is synonymous with trouble).But this was not the case.No, this laughter came from cheering at ant races.Yes, you read that correctly.Ant Races. You may recall we have had Read more…

Children’s Readers

As you know I am smack dab in the middle of teaching James and Joel to read well and love reading. For a Literacy Specialist, this is a little bit like being a kid in a candy store! James doesn’t really need any more teaching – just vocabulary, spelling and Read more…

Funny Baby

You probably don’t have time to sit around and read blogs, and I probably read more than I should, but The Pioneer Woman’s Funny Photo Contest lived up to it’s name! For a split second I thought about entering a funny picture of one of our ‘babies’ (don’t worry I Read more…