Games I: Space Bubble

As many of you know, our 3 little fair-haired kiddos are the only white people under the age of 20 in this town (and probably for quite some surrounding distance as well). There are a few other families usually here, who are currently in the US, leaving my mzungu (foreign) Read more…

Anna in a Basket

Don’t you just love toddlers? They are into everything and trying every new button they can reach to push. Fortunately, they are small enough to fit almost anywhere! Everyone has a picture of themselves as a toddler fitting somewhere strange, right? They look so cute sitting in the dryer, inside Read more…

Home Renovation 101

In true European style houses here are traditionally built without closets. How else could those 4 kids get into the land of Narnia?? They needed a wardrobe! (or armoire if you will) Well, we have 3 bedrooms and no armoires built yet, so everything was folded and put back in Read more…

A Congo Birthday

Aside from music and the strength of relationships, one of my favorite things about life in Congo is the incredible fabrics! Local fabrics are brought from all over West Africa (I’ve heard it said that Dakar is the ‘Paris’ of African fashion…), and sold in 6 meter lengths (or 6 Read more…

Third Culture Kid

Last week Joel had a simple assignment: Make up a city and paint a picture of it. We had just learned about differences between the ‘country’ and the ‘city’ and what kind of buildings he might have in a city. So Joel paints this: I really like it, don’t get Read more…

Oh Happy Dog!

Okay Carrie, I know I am about 6 weeks late on keeping my promise of dog pictures, but better late than never, right? We are proud dogsitters of two puppies. I should know their breeds but don’t. I’m not that cool. All I know is Kali is made for Norway, Read more…

A Seventh Birthday

James had a great day on his birthday. We decided to stick to routines and still have school, but snuck in a few treats and surprises along the way. Some mornings the ‘men’ in our family go for an early walk and stop by the neighbor’s beignet shop on the Read more…

Anna + art

There’s nothing spectacular about stick figures. When I took Elementary Art Education class they taught us the developmental stages of ‘art’ beginning with stick figures. The first ‘stage’ had large heads with limbs coming directly out. Both boys drew those first. Not Anna. She skipped that and headed straight for Read more…

The First Real Haircut

Well, since moving to Congo Anna has really needed a haircut. I was originally planning to be a ‘purist’ about long hair, and didn’t want to cut her hair -ever. But God gave us a little girl with enough hair for 2 people. Kent and I were always told we Read more…