The First Real Haircut

Well, since moving to Congo Anna has really needed a haircut. I was originally planning to be a ‘purist’ about long hair, and didn’t want to cut her hair -ever. But God gave us a little girl with enough hair for 2 people. Kent and I were always told we Read more…

The 2 meter nap couch!

Here is the sofa we designed and had local carpenters build (next door actually) extra long so that Kent can actually stretch out on the couch and take a nap. Yes, at over 6 feet tall, he needed a 2-meter couch. One of his favorite things is to stretch out Read more…

Math-U-See, Math-U-Do

Our bouncy, baby Joel grew up and as his Kindergarten teacher/Mother I’ve recently discovered that Joel seems to be kinesthetic learner. I vaguely remember jokingly calling him ‘my satelite’ because while I stand around talking to people, he literally walked in circles around me. It was fun when he was Read more…

My Genius

I guess I knew Kent was a genius the first time I saw him. We were sitting in Dr. Carlson’s Morphology & Syntax class, both taking it for ‘graduate credit’. He raised his hand to ask a question from the front row, while I hid in the back frantically taking Read more…

Family Quote Book

Some of you know that I have always loved keeping a ‘Quote Book’ of various foibles and hilarious things said by yours truly and those nearby. I think truth really is stranger than fiction, and that laughter really is good medicine. Why not write down those tears-of-joy moments to enjoy Read more…

Debut album, track one

// response to her last video, her uncle commented that we need to give her an instrument.  As if we hadn’t, bro. 🙂 So here is living proof, with the alligator xylophone/piano pull-toy.  Which she normally just plays like a piano (or, alternately, bangs with the stick, but not as Read more…

Back to School

We actually started September 8, when these were taken. Anna was running errands with Dad so school would start ‘on the right foot’,so she missed picture day, but she’ll get her turn soon enough. By traditional measurements James is in First grade this year and Joel is starting Kindergarten (James Read more…

My Reader

Yesterday I found James (Gr. 1, age 6) reading to himself 'The Bookof Virtues' (short classic stories intended to read aloud tochildren… the book is 2″ thick!) He devours books. He hasn't quiteresorted to reading the dictionary (go Aidan!), but he likes hisChildren's Encyclopedia… hm What to do with him?