Could Poverty Be a Blessing?

I know this blog has been strangely quiet. This may have something to do with our house still in half-unpacked boxes. Or the fact that we’re only 2 weeks away from finished with the homeschool year, or that I’ve just sent out a 4-page newsletter. For whatever reason, in the Read more…


This is the boys' new instant bff who left today for an extendedfurlough. Naturally, they are grieving, but, as with all the otherpartings these last months, we know we will see each other againsomeday. Andrew is their hero as someone a bit older who reallyknows about lego creations and building Read more…


Just to let you know, we have moved into our new home and aregetting settled. The kitchen sink got working last night and lightsare all working. Hot water heater got hooked up and we are startingto unpack. We hope to be connected at the house in a couple weeks,but this Read more…

First Language Acquisition

My friend Jessica has inspired me to comment on Anna’s language development. I’ve noticed it a bit more than I did with the boys (James didn’t say much until age 3 with all that French in his head, and Joel had long sentences by 18 mos! –I’ll confess those are Read more…

In absentia

Sorry to all who have been checking for our news in vain.We are moving into our house this week, Lordwilling!We have also have had no power (like for phones or computers) forabout 4 days. We are finally connected locally by radio and gettingused to our names 'kilo romeo' =) We Read more…

International Kitchen

I’ve always thought of my kitchen as a fairly international kitchen. Having lived in several different countries we gathered recipes as we went. Kent makes a mean Chinese stir-fry. I can mostly cook a decent Spanish tortilla (egg/potato/onion pie-like thing for those who haven’t lived in Spain). So I looked Read more…


This week when we talked briefly with Grandma and Grandpa (in between claps of thunder) they asked what Anna’s new word was this week. As I thought about it, there is not ONE word, there are tons!! She doesn’t quite out-talk her brother Joel, but sometimes comes close. The thing Read more…


Today I had a reality check.The lovely lady who helps me in the kitchen had a bad toothache thatstarted Sunday. By Wednesday she wasn't sleeping well and looked really tired. Shearrived Thursday working extra hard to finish a full day's workbefore 2:30pm to see the dentist on the way home. Read more…