Howard grandchildren greetings
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Joel holding baby Chad on his own (for a few minutes). He loves babies!Baby Chad is Brooke’s baby brother, and Joel informed us shortly thereafterthat we should pray for another baby for our family. Hm… James with Ed Lauber, good friend and our director visiting this month: Little girls had Read more…
These are more for Grandma and Grandpa. Just to verify that the kidshad a great time! James is into medieval lego just now and I had afew things in my 'stash', so he's thrilled! They haven't stoppedplaying with the king! Anna carries around her 'giraffy', which isa zebra. Whatever. Yes Read more…
We can only get brown eggs here, but they worked great with whitecrayon designs! Tip: When the eggs are still warm, the crayon meltsreally well! The boys wanted tanks and rockets on their eggs. Where have I gonewrong? Anna wanted flowers, which was more my 'cup of tea'. =) Off Read more…
As many of you noticed on facebook, my Dad had emergency quadruplebypass surgery late Thurs. night. He is now recovering well and outof ICU. (John had this picture printed for his hospital room sincewe can't be there in person.) But it was Good Friday here when wewere pleading with God Read more…
Today was a playdate day! Anna and the daughter of one of our MAFpilots are less than a month apart in age, and have a similarstature. People here get them confused everywhere. Still, it's a funblessing to have a little friend just for Anna. It's a bonus forAnna that she Read more…
This is a precious picture to me. Not because of what it looks like,but because of what it meant for James. Our last Sunday with ourclose friends in Kenya was a 'high tea' send-off to remember! Atthe end of it all, as we were getting in the car to leave, Read more…
As you can tell, I'm catching up on posting pics from the last 2weeks. I didn't take a lot of pictures in Uganda because we wereeither sick or out and about shopping or swimming most of the time.But many of you asked about how it was living with a monkey. Read more…
We wrote earlier that in Kenya, James and Joel were playing everydaywith their buddy Gabe. So we threw them a little 'goodbye' playdateat a local playground/restaurant. Gabe – we miss you!