Ear Ouchie addendum

Anna started her antibiotics Monday, and I expected her fever todrop by the second day, but even Thurs. morning she woke up early inthe morning at 101 F! She's never had an ear infection that caused ahigh fever. I was baffled and about to Email the doctor today aboutwhat else Read more…

… … Ants … … … … … …

They really do work hard and never give up! The house we're subletting for this month has an ant problem. Atfirst I assumed it was a normal dry season ant problem. Then theystarted coming through the floorboards… and in the windows… and outof the countertops. Joel's not completely overreacting when Read more…

Huggies made my day!

So some of you know of our current needs for sizeable overnightpull-ups, that we will need for the foreseeable future, and that Ihave never seen in an African grocery store. (There were only somany we could cram in our suitcases, and our special order clothcovers are so bulky and hot Read more…


We had a little trouble with Joel exhibiting irrational fears a coupleweeks ago, on our arrival in Kenya. A neighbor's little rat dog and ants(seen or otherwise) made him unable to leave his bed without shoes orsocks, and the house without adult supervision. But this week we wentto an elephant Read more…

Ear Ouchie

Anna had a run-of-the-mill cold last week, which didn’t go away and so I was suspecting her typical weakness after a week or so: ear infection. I took her to a closer doctor to avoid many hours of traffic, (our regular pediatrician is traveling around India this month). She was Read more…

He always does.

The past 2 Sundays we had the privilege of visiting a new churchplant nearby: Faith Reformed Baptist Church (Nairobi). Our goodfriend and former Kenyan pastor had started this new work while we were inthe US. We knew of his vision and began to pray for it years back,but it was Read more…

Travelogue – Photo Edition

Here are our little frequent fliers.James discovered the built-in video games that came with themovie/radio console. The airplane air was so dry Anna's hair gotreally staticky and floated all around like we were rubbing aballoon on her hair! At one point she got really annoyed that shecouldn't get it off Read more…

Oh yeah!

Part of my sluggish brain is just being a busy Mom I’m sure, but last week all week long I was saying ‘Oh yeah!’ to myself. It’s taken several days for things to dawn on me. I’ve heard some people say the reason this takes a while is due to Read more…