A singular holiday

Here is James as ‘Superman’ (homemade edition), Anna as a ballerina (saying ‘soff dess!’ ‘pitty dess!’ – soft, pretty dress), and Joel as ‘Super Police Joel’. The kids have never had any exposure to costumes for Halloween as it is not a holiday overseas. Last year they were more or Read more…


“Man” (with hat) by Joel, age 4 I just have to comment here that I’m very impressed with Joel so far this year in ‘preschool’ (at home). Up until September 1 he was not interested in drawing or coloring at all and just scribbled violently. He’s a boy, so fine-motor Read more…

Happy Birthday James!

A few hours ago James officially turned 6! Born just in time for church at 9:17 in the morning on Reformation Sunday (like his Mom) weighing 7 lbs and half an ounce. He has traveled a lot since then. He celebrated his first birthday in the French Alps, second in Read more…