Dancing with Dad

No super exciting news. Anna continues to amaze me as she grows up faster than her brothers did. She’s decided to potty-train herself this past week, which has been fairly smooth so far. She talks lots and gives lots of ’tisses’ (her ‘k’ is ‘t’ for now). I can’t help Read more…

Viva la Congo

We just found a fun video from where we work, and want to share it with you. It was created by a brother coming to visit one of our colleagues (his sister) a few months ago. Enjoy! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ntUi8R-O4&hl=en&fs=1]


One of the most fun things about younger siblings is how they refer to their older brother/sister. I’m told my brother gave up entirely on trying to say ‘Kimberly’ and renamed me ‘Eh’ (or ‘A’) for a while. =) It didn’t last too long, but it makes for fun family Read more…


I realize now that I haven’t blogged at all about the exciting turns life is taking for James lately. He has been in therapy for about a month (after about 2 years of treatment by physicians for encopresis). He loves going to ‘Colleen’s’ on Wednesdays, and we love that he’s Read more…

Touchdown on the runway

The dust is still settling here in our new place in Eugene, but after passing the one-week mark in the same bed we are soaking in a bit more stability. I haven’t hung the clock or made my cookies yet (see below), but we are getting there. We are stocked Read more…

Transition, my old friend

There really will be pictures coming of our lovely time at the coast, kids enjoying our new van, etc. I’m not even sure where the camera cable is… in some box somewhere. Yes, we are back to life in a suitcase (or suitcases, laundry baskets and many boxes in our Read more…