Visas, Episode III

We haven’t really had many visa troubles before about five years ago. Maybe I was asking for trouble when using the need to buy a visa while preaching on Ephesians 2. There are these verses which speak to the importance of citizenship: 12remember that you were at that time separated Read more…

Cheese and Chocolate

Kim normally works hard to make Valentine’s Day special around here, but yesterday when she was talking to the kids about what she was planning to make, they insisted on taking over last night’s dessert. They wanted chocolate mousse, but in a (heart shaped) chocolate crust, so they made it Read more…


In my all-too-brief(-so-far) lifetime, I have found much to complain about. It seems like everywhere I go, there’s something that isn’t the way I want it. I was speaking with a colleague in our kitchen once, and asked how she got on, traveling more than we do. Her answer was Read more…

Epiphany 2017

the LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous. (Ps 146:8 ESV) I took two days off altogether from writing, for Sunday worship and rest, then Christmas day, and yesterday I got back to putting edits into Read more…

Merry Christmas!

Just after watching a close victory of the Seahawks, we heard news and ran outside to see that it was snowing! This of course called for a celebration dance: And some selfies with the house and lights: Merry Christmas to all in Seattle and elsewhere! (And sorry to the cowboys Read more…

Home Stretch

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written much about my progress through my degree program, but I hope it has been for good reason. I guess we all hope that we do what we do for good reason, but in any case, I hope a short update will Read more…