Merry Christmas!

Just after watching a close victory of the Seahawks, we heard news and ran outside to see that it was snowing! This of course called for a celebration dance: And some selfies with the house and lights: Merry Christmas to all in Seattle and elsewhere! (And sorry to the cowboys Read more…

Good News from the DRC

Rather than waiting for some other reason to use this title, I’ll go with the end of the most recent Ebola outbreak in DR Congo: [contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

Lifecycle of a Democracy

As the democratic process in Congo seems to be winding down, it’s weird to think that we saw its beginnings. When we first arrived in Africa, we spend three months in the village house-sitting for a colleague, and learning language and culture. It was during those three months that the Read more…


For our second weekend in the rainforest, it seemed right to visit Simon’s father’s church, which was just 25 km north of Nya-nya — in fact, while it has another name, it is typically referred to as “25km”. Simon’s father traveled down to work with us a lot in 2014, Read more…

Newsletter in Progress

Hi all — Kim and I finally got away this weekend to get some  rest and find ourselves again. As the dust has settled after this summer’s anxiety, it is clear that we’ve let our communication slip.  So I’m writing a note to let you know we’re writing, and soon Read more…

Pre-Congo Pepper

I’ve been trying to grow a proper plant this summer, with minimal results. I have ten peppers, but only one ripening, and only this much. Anyway, I figured should eat it now, since it will be overdone when I back. The first fruit of this mission, as it were…


After a couple days of struggle, and finally giving up, Kim made one more call. God parted the clouds, and let the rainbows through.  The tickets we got today are a bit more expensive than the ones we originally had, but they’re actually better, in terms of the connections in Read more…