Blueberry Blue

We are brown-eyed parents with blue-eyed kids. I’ve learned that no two sets of blue eyes are identical. I’ve always called Anna’s eyes “blueberry blue” because their particular shade of light gray/blue is like the white dust coating the first blueberries of the season. Here is our blueberry blue girl Read more…


Thank you to those who prayed for provision of housing and transportation on our Oregon trip! Thank you also to the five households hosting us or having us housesit. We have wonderful transportation & housing for every bit of our trip! So far Oregon has been amazing to us. Grateful. Read more…


We resist buying into the lie that new is, by definition, better. We did not move from tenfootfamily to “A to Z” simply because the alarm clock on boring went off. We began tenfootfamily exactly 8 years ago with the primary purpose of sharing pictures and stories of our toddlers Read more…

Back to School 2014

James, Joel & Anna are heading back to school and growing up entirely too fast for my taste! Anna is becoming quite the chapter book reader and can’t wait to start cursive and multiplication. Joel is honing his writing skills and still loves drawing dragons in his free time. James Read more…

Cultural Indications

A year ago this week, we were piling our worldly possessions into a moving truck to cross 5 states and move to Texas. We had no idea what Texas was like, but we knew we were moving there. We didn’t know any Texans, but we knew we could meet some. Read more…