Anna turn pay panno by Kimberly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
I left Chiang Mai, Thailand at 25 minutes after midnight this morning, February 12. That first leg took 4 hours and 45 minutes, but I traveled two times zones towards the sunrise, so I arrived Read more…
I heard this week that Wal-Mart made a big change to their DEI orientation, and found myself once again at odds with what most people seem to be thinking. These changes are summarized by NPR Read more…
During our trip to Cameroon, our Avocado tree reminded us first fruits and the long game. This post also includes a discussion of Settlers of Catan (and other Engine Building Games), and finally a Where's Waldo (avocado version).
Gretchen · April 17, 2009 at 6:10 pm
great picture of easter and all the happenings! how is your dad doing? anna looks thrilled to be at the piano. she looks so much older in these pictures. hope you are having a wonderful day. we are having pajama day, which means that Kyle is out of town and we have nothing exciting to do and it is raining! take care.
Michelle · April 18, 2009 at 1:10 am
I love that you have a piano there! What a cool blessing! Anna looks like she’s really concentrating in that second pic. 🙂 I remember the “One finger at a time” rule. And Kim, I haven’t forgotten about my future with Bach. Was it Bach?